Sunday, October 5, 2008

VP Debate analyses, Palin, and, oh yeah, McCain and Obama!

I just realized today that I’m a little bit thankful for Sarah Palin – she’s provided so much comic relief in this election... But I’ll be even more relieved if that “relief” ends after the election!!

Of course, if you missed Saturday Night Live, you have to see Tina Fey as Sarah Palin in the debate (she’s perfect!):

Here is Carl Bernstein’s take on the debate:

Roger Ebert’s take on the theatrical nature of the debate – this is pretty good, insightful, and is in his area of expertise:

The “Pit Bull” is back (thank goodness, but she’s still wrong for America):

Why Some Women Hate Palin:,8599,1846832,00.html
This is a funny article, but I think there are more and better reasons to loathe Palin, such as, oh, science that doesn't go beyond “The Flintstones,” her being against reproductive freedom paired with the whole rape kit thing, abstinence only education paired with pregnant teen daughter and not seeing how totally ridiculously stupid that makes you and more importantly, your position about it, look, foreign policy “expertise” based on “keepin’ an eye on Putin when he rears his head,” the apparent desire to ban books, the firing of people who disagree with her – oh I could go on and on, but I think I don’t have to. Then again, maybe I just hate her because she’s too pretty. Yeah, that’s it. Sarah “don’t hate me because I’m beautiful” Palin, the biatch!

And a “lovely” song about Sarah Palin:
(warning: maybe NSFW – has the F word in it twice, but otherwise quite pretty :)
(to the tune of “Hey There Delilah” if you recognize it but can’t think of it and it’s driving you crazy!)

And, back to the actual main candidates (maybe Palin is just to make everyone not focus on McCain...):

Republican Charles Krauthammer analyzes why Obama will win:
“he's got both a first-class intellect and a first-class temperament. That will likely be enough to make him president.”
He also criticizes him and raises questions and doubts, but explains why McCain is losing: one too many “Hail Mary passes.”
He uses party-line comments like the idea that Obama, after his “mocking retort that presidential candidates should be able to do "more than one thing at once," that “McCain might have pointed out that while he was trying to do two things, Obama was sitting on the sidelines doing one thing only: campaigning.” These people ignore the fact that we have telecommunications. Oh, yeah, that’s probably because McCain doesn’t know how to use email (I’ve heard he has an elaborate system of cans and strings, though).

All in all, coming from a staunch Republican, it’s encouraging!

Three Alarming Facts about John McCain Every Voter Should Know:
You can just scroll through to see all the sets of three (there are three facts each about Economy, Education, Energy & Environment, Foreign Policy, Health Care, Homeland Security, Iraq, Jobs, Lobbyists, Rural Issues, Seniors & Social Security, Taxes, and Women)

For those of you with grandparents in Florida (you know who you are) - if you aren’t going to take the Great Schlep as Sarah Silverman suggests, at least show this video to Nana and Buby:
(Israelis for Obama – it’s well made and inspiring – and a strong reminder that the world is watching, and most of the world is hoping for Obama to win: )

Let’s keep helping that electoral map turn blue!