Monday, March 22, 2010

That Hopey Changey Stuff May Just Work Out After All...

Passing Health Care (Insurance, at least) Reform is a huge accomplishment. Yes, the bill is not perfect, and doesn't have as much as some of us would like, has many compromises... but just passing it at all in this political climate is a huge accomplishment. Huge.

Some thoughts after watching the voting last night...

Bart Stupak.

I'm pro-choice, but I'm not pro-abortion - I'm pro-reproductive freedom. I don't think anyone likes abortions and wants them to increase! I think we would all like the numbers to go down - Planned Parenthood's motto is "Every Child a Wanted Child" and I believe in that. Education and empowerment of women, full access to and stigma removed from taking charge of contraception, and viable alternatives made readily and easily available and again, stigma removed... all of these things together will make abortion truly a last resort. But the anti-reproductive freedom camp (yeah, they call themselves pro-life, but only if it's still in the womb, apparently) wants to take away the option, even as a last resort. I'm all for abortion reduction, but not to the point of legal action. Women should be in full charge of their own wombs, NOT the government! Talk about government takeovers... sheesh.

But I liked Bart Stupak last night. Not just because he voted for the bill, but because of what he said - if you care about the unborn, give mothers pre-natal health care! Give babies health care! Duh! I understand people not wanting tax money to go toward abortions - I'd prefer my tax money not to go toward war. It bothers me that something that is legal and a woman's right (to control her womb, to choose whether or not to reproduce) would not be covered. It is inequitable. But I understand people not wanting it and it is something I am willing to compromise on to get health care passed. That and abortions are not that expensive.

Stupak has values, he stood up for them, and actually meant it - I know that because he accepted compromise instead of just changing what he was opposed to like so many who were just using their supposed "values" politically.

Over the Top Rhetoric and Hyperbole

omg. Devin Nunes. Government Takeover. Blah blah blah.

There are rational objections conservatives have - these are mostly fiscal. The ideological ones are mostly just hot air. And then there is Nunez.

I don't know how they can stand up there and LIE like that! They must believe their own lies. Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Totalitarianism, Ghosts of the failed Soviet State...


I can't tell you how much I hate that this is considered an insult. How the HELL can we ever move forward and get anything at all done if our representatives decide ahead of time where they stand on issues, and never change their mind, no matter what arguments or compromises are made? We can't! If you, as Colbert famously described George W. Bush, think the same thing on Tuesday as you did on Sunday, no matter WHAT happens on Monday, then you are an IDIOT.