Monday, October 6, 2008

Moron Politics

Sorry – that joke just never ceases to amuse me. I’m easily entertained.

MORE on politics...

A bunch of great New York Times editorials:

Cheney as a role model for VP:

Palin’s Alternate Universe:

Interesting Linguistic Analysis of Palin in the debate:

Pallin' Around
I’m sure by now you’ve all heard that Obama “pals around with terrorists” - sheesh. There is a conservative blog post about the economy that blames the democrats called “Do Facts Matter?” and I guess we know the answer to that one. (btw, if you haven’t heard the accusation – CNN’s “Truth Squad” calls it False, as does everyone else who has a clue, but in our current climate of anyone with a brain being “elitist,” all you have to do is to make the accusation to start a firestorm)

The GOP’s STRONGEST arguments for it are so weak, it practically rebuts its own charges:
Wow – they served on two academic panels together, one in 1997 and one in 2001, really? Obama said nice things about Ayers’ book, "A Kind And Just Parent: The Children Of Juvenile Court”? My that’s incriminating. That book sounds un-American, for sure.
Ayers is a school reformer who spoke to Humboldt State’s Credential Candidates recently, among others.

This guy isn’t a terrorist, idiots. He’s a college professor and on the board of charitable school reform organizations. Any “ties” Obama has with Ayers are as a reformer, not as the violent anti-war activist Ayers was in the 60’s, when Obama was 8. So even if there were “ties” -and they are extremely loose associations at best, not strong connections, but even if they WERE strong, what the guy is NOW is nothing to be ashamed of associating with. What happened to Palin’s debate tactic of claiming Obama’s campaign is always “lookin’ at the past and not the future”? Yeah, right. I certainly see Obama as much more forward thinking, much more representative of the future ~I~ would like to see than McCain (aka, McSame) is. I see McCain as the past, Obama as the future. And Palin as a court jester along the way.

Who’re you callin’ a Maverick? The REAL Mavericks speak out:

Techies for Obama!

The second presidential debate is tomorrow... Less than 30 days to the election... Not sure if I can stand it.