Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Race and Politics Redux

In spite of recent disturbing events, there have been a number of wonderful articles lately examining current issues with cool heads and thoughtful perspectives, and I'd like to share a few today.  

First, the sad case of Ashley Todd, the McCain campaign volunteer who is so afraid of an Obama presidency that she faked a mugging and scratched a backwards "B" into her own face.  Lots has been said about her, but I don't think I've seen anything as thoughtful and constructive in terms of perspective on the event as this post from The Kitchen Table. This is an excellent article, and ends with a positive note. Two Princeton professors who are African American women started this blog as a conversation with each other about race, politics, religion, popular culture – not surprisingly, they have some great insights:

Next, a different perspective, from a former southerner, who examines the racism with which he grew up in light of some recent events surrounding Obama's candidacy. It is a wonderful, thoughtful article on racial attitudes in this country, from a personal point of view:

Wonkette, on the other hand, wasn't so gentle! Here's her post, "A Children’s Treasury of Wingnut Reactions to Cut-Nut Ashley Todd Confessing Her Racist Fantasy" making fun of the right wing reaction to the story. If you're tired of all the thoughtfulness of the previous two posts, enjoy!

And of course, the Twitterati, Twitterverse, Tweeple, whatever - folks on Twitter, were merciless.  That's why I love them.  Tweets Give Race-Baiting Hoaxster a 'B' for Effort