Monday, September 8, 2008

Palin the Book Banner?

A friend forwarded me an email with a long list of books "Palin had tried to have banned." I wanted to believe it, but it looked a little too "good" to be true, so I checked it out, and, sure enough, it was a hoax. Here is the letter I wrote back to my friend. In a nutshell, we don't need hoaxes or exaggerations - the truth is powerful enough to make our case.

Sorry – this is not true:

Here’s an article – she did ask the librarian if she would remove objectionable books if asked, but didn’t ask for specific books to be banned. The librarian said absolutely not. Later Palin tried to fire the librarian. That’s enough, in my mind, along with the other “loyalty tests” - ick. She’s evil. EEEEEEEEEEvil.

I hate her stupid anti-science creationist anti-reproductive freedom guts, but don’t want to pass on false info about her – I think there are plenty of true things that are against her already.

Of course you’ve read the Anne Kilkenny letter, who some Republicans are now trying to say is not even a real person. Looks like she is. And more power to her!!

I love this Gloria Steinem op-ed piece in the LA Times:,0,7915118.story
There were a couple others on latimes – let me see if I can find them...
Here’s a good one, about her “independent spirit” - as an Alaskan Secessionist!,0,3731150.column

And, Andrew Sullivan, one of the conservatives I still have respect for, wrote this:

And this is a good article about her speech:
Good comments, too.

And I love this science article that quickly becomes an anti-Palin piece:

And of course, omg, Jon Stewart, HOW I love thee!!
(and he has so much more – maybe I’ll change my Facebook religion to Stewartist – he is god!!)
Here’s another:


Update - It turns out that while she did not try to get any specific books banned as mayor, she may have while on the city council.