Friday, September 26, 2008

On a more serious note - bailouts, economy, debates, oh my!

James K. Gailbraith with an interesting take on what we could do instead of a bail-out:

The Devolution of McCain:
A thoughtful piece by a journalist who used to respect him: Carl Bernstein

And a great article on Energy Security:
This is inspiring!
“Today, we are at a crossroads. We face a choice: our young men and women can either wear green fatigues overseas, or they can wear green hard hats at home. They can pick up weapons to destroy other countries, or they can pick up tools to rebuild and repower this one.”
The Debate:
Later – okay, I just watched the debate, and I have to say it:

(because he has a bracelet, too, dammit!)

Here is my take on the debates:
  • McCain = the Past
  • Comforting, at times – experienced, yes, but as CBS reporter David Axelrod said, the debate was about the conflicts we have now, not the conflicts we had 20 years ago. Yeah!!
  • McCain evoked the avuncular warmth of Reagan, but it felt fake. Comforting, but fake.
  • McCain would freeze spending. Is that like “Suspending the Economy”?
  • Obama = the Future
  • Real Change, Hope, and even Dreams.
  • Obama would INVEST in the future. Smart choice.
  • Obama can be challenging, but that is growth. We need to GROW and move forward as a nation, not backward.
The Economy:
So who’s to blame for the economy? A heck of a lot of people. Move on. What to do about it is the question.
Good, thoughtful series of posts on this:

Foreign Policy:
And what about Talking with Iran? (and McCain’s “close personal friend” Henry Kissinger):

And Health Care?
“Talk about a shock to the system. Has anyone bothered to notice the radical changes that John McCain and Sarah Palin are planning for the nation’s health insurance system?

These are changes that will set in motion nothing less than the dismantling of the employer-based coverage that protects most American families.

A study coming out Tuesday from scholars at Columbia, Harvard, Purdue and Michigan projects that 20 million Americans who have employment-based health insurance would lose it under the McCain plan.”


I’m feeling patriotic, now, people! Join me for a rousing rendition of our national anthem!

(ps – did anyone notice that McCain wasn’t wearing a flag lapel pin? WHY must he poop on our patriotism?!)