Sunday, September 28, 2008

More On Palin, Debates, and Science

Moron, er, I mean, More On Palin:

So I watched Fareed Zakaria interview the Premier of China on CNN-GPS today – it was an amazing interview. I had not been familiar with Fareed Zakaria before – he is the guy who wrote the cover story in October 2001 called “Why They Hate Us” in Newsweek. He is a really smart guy, to say the least -

He has an article in Newsweek now, entitled “Palin Is Ready? Please.”
And a previous article on the differing world views of McCain and Obama, called, “The World Isn't So Dark”: (Zakaria again)

You know when there are so many stories like these about Palin in mainstream media, like the LA Times and Newsweek, and especially the National Review, that Palin is in trouble. I mean, I love the Huffington Post and Daily KOS and all that, but, hey, those ARE the “liberal media”! :)

And more on the Debate topics:

McCain’s Bizarre Earmark Obsession:

I think all the drummed up outrage against earmarks is just a distraction. Earmarks are the way states and local governments can currently fund things that aren’t big enough for an entire bill all their own – it’s just how things are done in Washington these days. Reform, making it easier to have smaller funding requests not stuck in larger bills in earmarks, sounds like a good idea, because no one is saying the earmark system is a ~good~ system, but it IS the system that is in use now, and it works to get funding for things like research (McCain’s Grizzly Bear DNA example – that was NPS and I know a guy who participated in the study, collecting Griz scat! It was an important tool for wildlife managers to know how many grizzlies they had and what their territories were, etc.) and Planetariums (another one that McCain railed against Obama for – I happen to agree with Phil Plait, the “Bad Astronomer,” that planetariums are pretty darn important for public education and research and their benefits spread far beyond their local areas: )

Speaking of Science:
“61 Nobel Laureates have officially endorsed Obama for President. That’s more than have ever endorsed a candidate before. I don’t know if it’s Obama’s pro-science stance or the fact that McCain’s VP pick is so antiscience, wanting to teach creationism in the classroom and denying human-induced global warming (even when McCain admits as much). Either way, it’s remarkable.”

I’m becoming a serious news junkie. I’ll really try to limit my group emails to one a day from now on, if I can help myself! I don’t want to be a spammer!
