Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election News for the Obsessive Compulsive

Five Thirty Eight dot com: Electoral Projections Done Right. Nate Silver Rocks. Quoting @vmarinelli, who I follow on Twitter, "When Obama wins, I will stop compulsively refreshing http://fivethirtyeight.com."

Check the sidebar - the Daily KOS Electoral Map should update automatically as electoral results come in. Click the orange "enlarge" button at the top to open it full size in a new window! Here it is a little bigger:

Google has a mashup 2008 Elections Map, too. Oddly, since Blogger is owned by Google, I couldn't get it to scale properly for embedding, so you'll have to go there by clicking the link.

I found the last one from this article: Where to Get Election Day results from C|net with links to several good resources.

Okay, gotta go hit refresh on fivethirtyeight... and check the maps... OCD FTW!