Thursday, November 27, 2008

Obama Family Thanksgiving

President-Elect Barack Obama & Family Honors Our Country

Link to YouTube if embedded video won't play for you

From the YouTube page sidebar:

The Obama family went to work at a food bank on the day before Thanksgiving, to exemplify the meaning of the holiday, especially when so many people are struggling.

This is Barack Obama's 4th year visiting to show support. Malia and Sasha joined their parents to give holiday wishes to hundreds of people who had been lined up for hours at the food bank on Chicago's south side.

The family handed out wrapped chickens to the needy in the chilly outdoor courtyard of the St. Columbanus Church. People in line also received boxes with potatoes, oranges, fresh bread, peanut butter, canned goods, oatmeal, spaghetti and coffee.

The president-elect told reporters that he wants the girls "to learn the importance of how fortunate they are, and to make sure they're giving back" and have "an understanding of what giving and Thanksgiving is all about."

Truly a community organizer thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!